We are laboring to produce in Hebrew original Reformed commentaries, doctrinal books and devotionals, written in Hebrew for the growing Jewish Christian church in the country. Our books are sold at heavily subsidized prices. In an effort to increase Baruch's production, we are seeking the means to support part time help in the office and part time help in research and editing. Contributions received for the ministry are used exclusively for that purpose.
You are invited to have a part in this exciting, important ministry to the church in Israel, laying a foundation for a biblical, relevant, courageous and informed witness in the land.
For tax-deductible contributions, please mail your checks to
Berean Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1233, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48480
Or send them by direct bank transfer to Swiftcode: Wells Fargo Bank San Francisco, CA WFBIUS65 Berean Baptist Church Special Missions Account. No. 567495976 Please designate:For Maoz Ministry
or to
Talmer Bank and Trust, 2301 W, Big Beaver Rd. Suite 525, Troy MI 48084 ABA Routing 0724-1425-5 , Int. Routing Talmer bank and Trust Troy MI //FWO72414255, Berean Baptist Account 567495976
Please designate your contribution as For the Maoz Ministry (Soli Deo Gloria).
Your contributions enable us to continue this ministry.
TAX-deductible support for our ministry should be written to the order of Berean Baptist church, P.O. Box 1233, Grand Blanc, Michigan48480-3233. Direct bank transfers may be made to Franlin Bank, 24725 West Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 USA, Routing Number 241271957 Berean Baptist Special Account No. 567495976.
Please inform Craig Cooper at Berean Baptist Church of the details of the transaction (including date, transaction number and sum) at coopbiz <coopbiz@att.net>
All contributions are taxdeductible. Receipts are sent at the end of the calendar year or at the donor's request.
Please do not send contributions directly to us – we consider accountability important.
Funds sent for the ministry will be used exclusively for that purpose. We reserve the right to use for the ministry funds sent for personal use.
IMPORTANT NOTICE We are in the process of establishing a new email account. Our new email address is bmaoz@themaozweb.com Please edit your Contacts List and henceforth direct all mail to that address.
Periodic bulletins are made available to MaozNews readers should the situation justify such. Briefer bulletins are provided when called for via Twitter (@BaruchMaoz). Subscribe to MaozNews (by writing to bmaoz@themaozweb.com ), follow us on Twitter and retweet our messages to others. We are also available on FaceBook.